
Sunday, July 27, 2008


bubblecup = sex
maths = muahaha 39/40

me = starting to nerd

5:29 PM

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

first season that I watch of big brother
unfortunately it's getting AXED. other people say that previous seasons used to be better but regardless im still sucked into this one

i'm gona be missing these people :(
like seriously

BRIGITTE for being great entertainment and also partly proving her stereotype wrong

RENEE for being so cute and so aussie, so honest, and made such a cute couple with Nathan

BIANCA for her hissy fits they were good to laugh at :D

ALICE for being so likable

and TERRI for giving some good laughs with an old lady

(the guys were gay.. probz other than nathan)

alsoo the big mouth panelists are pretty cool :D

awwww bye bye big brother in less than a week.


10:18 PM

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

no im not dead yet

had the weirdest dream last night that i need to write bout here otherwise i'll forget in a few days hahah

im soo sad that i need a fucking life..

i dreamt about big brother woooh big surprise hahah

i dreamt that i was on a bus with all the people.. and they were all getting dropped off at home (funnily.. they all live in VIC in my dream hahah which isnt true..) and the bus i think was going on the same route as my school bus
anyway.. i dont remember who i talked to on the bus... but yeah.. once it was my stop, i hopped off with Nathan for some reason.. maybe its god saying that im gay for him. and yea i said goodbye to the rest of thm.

for some reason nate disappeared from the dream
and i was walking home.. and i found an iphone on the floor and my only intention was to keep it
yea im greedy

and then i was walking home fromt he bus stop.. which was waay longer than what its meant to be in real life..
somehow i think i twas going into random people's houses..dno why though.. anyway.. i think i then continued my journey back home

and i dono why.. it looked different.. and i was walking up this massive hill... and i dont remeber why but suddenly i was walking with a group of friends.. and suddenly it was night time...

oh and i recieved like an sms on that iphone.. probably from the service provider or something, and apparently the owner of the phone is called Cyrus Miley.. YEAH WTF?! cyrus miley...... ok.....

anywayy then suddenly this group of robbers came up behind us and yea i forgot what they said but obviously they wanted our money..
so we all ran away and i threw that iphone at them... but yea my aim probably sucked at it hit the floor hahaha what a waste

and then yeah i dont remember what happened to the robbers but i was caught by the police that i picked up the phone owned by cyrus miley and i tried saying that i didnt wana keep it just dno how the fuck to find the owner..

HAHAHAH wtf? maybe the dream was meant to tell me soemthing.. that im a selfish greedy fuck.. and something bad's gona happen to me soon ahhaha.. and i'll probably offend miley cyrus in some way.. and i'll probably meet the housemates yay

i need a life


that aside.. sighh going back soon

gona miss this place and the people as well

how can you not love them


and there's of course JAMIEEE and afina tooo


stuff i wana say to a few people


stop seeking for attention

stop being an arrogant fuck

stop being a fake fuck


lol my blog's so dull..
congratulations for tolerating
why do people objectify others?.. and even worse.. people who think it's cool to do so.
gah some people are so fucked up in the head. especially pissed at those people who are fucked up in the head but get stuff they dont deserve.. materialistic or not..
sighh what am i doin with my life atm.. i need to be fucking 99.8ish to get into medicine.. kinda like an impossible..

2:20 AM